The team of the Dragons is back, and in its better shape than ever: the Open Division Season 3 has shown that the time passed since the last edition was used in the best way, with the team improving in many aspects. Compared to the previous run, where the team had grasped a 16th place in a hurry, this time the guys from Team QLASH scored a well-deserved ninth place .

What is the Open Divison?

The Open Division is an open competition for all, in which even non-professional players can test their skills. In short, it is the beginning for the journey to the Overwatch League and in fact the first step towards the Contenders.

The OPD is a real championship on a European scale, which sees the best teams and the best players challenge each other, meeting after meeting, to reach the top of the standings and earn a place for the Playoffs.

After the 10 regular championship days, the first 16 teams will have to face a Playoff phase, at the end of which only the best four will then be able to access the Conteders Trial and challenge the Contenders teams for a place in the following season

Open Divison Season 3: Results

With a total score of 9 wins and only 2 losses, Team QLASH got an excellent result considering that it is only the second edition to which this team takes part.

An improvement from all points of view compared to the previous edition, going from the bottom of the list in the top 16 to a consolidated mid-table.

It’s been a very hard-fought Open Division, which saw the Dragon boys fight against some of the best teams in the European scene but did not come out losers and showed that with no effort and consistency, no results were too far from being achieved.


Now Team QLASH must face the Playoff phase, which will see the first 16 teams of the Open Division clash with each other for the 4 spots available to reach the Contenders Trials.

In the list of challengers we can see well-known teams as the HSL Esports and the Osh-Tekk Warriors.

We’re looking forward to matches worthy of fire and flame in the coming days!